Guidelines to mitigate gender bias in research funding – A short checklist for RFOs
Project Deliverable 9.2:
Policy brief: What to do against gender bias in grant allocation?
Project Deliverable 8.2:
Documentation of GRANteD stakeholder conferences
Project Deliverable 7.1:
Synthesis report on gender differences in grant application behaviour
Project Deliverable 6.1:
Synthesis Report on gender bias in each core-RFO and experimental results
Project Deliverable 5.1:
GRANteD Equality Policy & Gender Bias Risk Analysis
Project Deliverable 4.1:
Conceptualizing, measuring and developing indicators
Project Deliverable 3.2:
Project Deliverable 2.1:
Conceptual Model: Identifying Gender Bias and its Causes and Effects
Project Deliverable 1.1:
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