The consortium is comprised of six partners who over years have extensively worked and published on research careers, research funding and evaluation processes, on gender equality policies and also on gender bias in research funding.
They bring in a deep understanding of the gendered structures of the science and innovation system, research funding organizations and research performing institutions, and a broad range of methodological competences, combined with a comprehensive knowledge on datasets (in a longitudinal perspective) and background from gender theory, research policy and gender equality policy analysis and institutional change. This enables the GRANteD consortium to deal with the complex issue of (potential) gender bias in grant allocation and its impact on research careers for men and women.
GRANteD partners have been working closely with major national and international research funders and were able to establish trustful collaborations. All partners are able to transfer research findings into clear and concise policy recommendations while at the same time being aware of the research funding organisations’ specific institutional logics, practices and narratives.
Joanneum Research
POLICIES – Institute for Economic and Innovation Research is one of seven institutes of JOANNEUM RESEARCH and offers a wide range of thematic and methodological expertise to provide advice and support in the planning of technology and innovation strategies, in assessing the risk and effects of political and business decisions and in implementing and evaluating gender equality activities. It provides public institutions, industrial partners and international policy makers with background analyses, scientific studies and knowledge intensive consulting services in the areas of science, research, technology, innovation and gender equality. It has a special focus on and a long standing experience in the field of evaluation and in issues of gender equality in STI organisations. Its work forms the basis for developing evidence-based policies and strategies.
The research group Technology, Innovation and Policy Consulting closely follows trends in science and research policy, and supports scientific institutions, to meet these challenges. The essential foundation for this is the study of the scientific performance of universities, research institutions, teams and companies as well as their behavior during interactions and cooperation.
Senior Research Scientist
Helene Schiffbaenker, has done various research studies on the under-representation of women in science (reconciliation, career orientations, drop-out reasons) and has supported ministries and funding agencies in the design and implementation of different Austrian funding programs for women in science and technology, like w-fFORTE and FEMtech. Helene was the scientific coordinator of the ERA baseline study commissioned by the European Commission to identify and analyze the current baseline situation in each Member State and a limited number of associated countries for target 4, gender equality and gender mainstreaming. Her actual research interest is on organizational aspects hindering gender equality in research: Helene was evaluating the implementation of gender equality plans (GEPs) in the FP7 project GARCIA, she lead the evaluation of GEPs in Astrophysics within H2020 project GENERA and she was also lead person of the evaluation of the ESF (European Social Fund) implementation of gender equality in Austria. From 2014 to 2016, Helene was the Principal Investigator of the gendERC project (gendered dimensions in ERC grant selection), commissioned by the European Research Council (ERC) to identify possible causes of gender bias in ERC peer review processes; here she worked mainly on the gendered construction of excellence in decision making.
Senior Research Scientist
Florian Holzinger studied Political Science, Philosophy and Contemporary History at Vienna University. Since 2007 he is working as researcher for JOANNEUM RESEARCH, POLICIES – Institute for Economic and Innovation Research. The focus of his research interests is currently on gender equality in science, technology and innovation – especially on issues of structural/organizational change and gender in research. He is experienced in evaluation, monitoring and mapping exercises. Besides GRANteD he is currently working in the H2020 projects EFFORTI which develops an evaluation framework for gender equality measures and policies in RTDI and in ACT which promotes and establishes Community of Practices of gender equality in RTDI. He also evaluates the implementation of Gender Equality Plans as critical friend in the H2020 SPEAR project.
University of Orebro
ORU, established in 1999, is one of the fastest growing universities in Sweden, providing education and conducting research in humanities, law, social science, science, technology, medicine & healthcare, education, music and sport science. ORU was ranked 76th in Times Higher Education ranking of New Universities (younger than 50) in 2017. It has 15,000 students, 400 doctoral students, and employs 1,350 staff out of which 125 professors. Its equality activities include a cross-university Community of Practice (CoP) on gender mainstreaming, an equal opportunities and a gender mainstreaming plan, a project group, a position of an equality coordinator and a steering committee led by the pro-vice chancellor. Gender research has been conducted and Gender Studies taught at ORU for four decades. The Centre for Feminist Social Studies CFS is a multidisciplinary gender studies research environment at the ORU School of Humanities, Education and Social Science. CFS has been part of the two-university Centre of Gender Excellence GEXcel, funded by Swedish Research Council 2007-2012, a collaboration with Linköping University Gender Studies. Since 2013 this collaboration continued as GEXcel International Collegium for Advanced Transdisciplinary Gender, a three university joint gender research platform, together with Karlstad University. GEXcel has initiated and ORU currently co-chairs the international association of institutions of advanced Gender Studies, RINGS.
Professor of Gender Studies
Professor Liisa Husu is sociologist and gender expert, actively engaged in gender and science issues in research, policy and civil society since the early 1980s in the Nordic region, Europe and internationally. She is Professor of Gender Studies at Örebro University, Sweden, Co-Director of GEXcel International Collegium for Advanced Transdisciplinary Gender Studies, and affiliated researcher at the Department of Management and Organisation at Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland.
Jeff Hearn and Liisa Husu (2019): „Age-Gender Relations in the Academic Profession: Putting the Challenges of Early Career Academics into Context“, in Gender, Age and Inequality in the Professions Marta Choroszewicz and Tracey L. Adams (eds.), New York: Routledge, p. 193-212.
Husu, Liisa (2019). “Nordic Countries and the Nordic Region: Gender Research and Gender Studies in Northern Europe.” Handbuch Interdisziplinäre Geschlechterforschung. Springer VS, Wiesbaden, 1511-1521.
Husu, L. (2015). A Comprehensive National Approach to Promote Gender Equality in Science: The Case of Norway. Advancing Women in Science: An International Perspective, 329.
Professor of Sociology
Helen Peterson is professor of sociology. She has studied a wide range of aspects of our working lives – from both the employee’s and the employer’s perspective. Gender has been the common theme in her research.
The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) is Spain’s largest public research institution, and ranks third among Europe’s largest research organization. CSIC has 11.085 employees, including 3.531 researchers, distributed in 120 Institutes spread across the country. CSIC supports research and training across a wide range of knowledge, from the most basic or fundamental aspects of science to the most complex technological developments; from human and social sciences to food science and technology, including biology, biomedicine, physics, chemistry and materials, natural resources and agricultural sciences. CSIC produces 20% of the national scientific output and remains the leading patent filer among research institutions in Spain; it has a broad experience in managing large and singular infrastructures. Within the 7th Framework Programme CSIC has signed 726 actions (including 70 coordinated by CSIC). As to the number of projects, CSIC is listed the 1st organisation in Spain and the 4th in Europe within the research organizations, with a total FP7 contribution of over 264 million euros (E-CORDA). As institution CSIC is highly committed with gender equality and has an specific committee on “Gender and Science” reviewing the hiring and promotion policies of the institution.
Located in Madrid, the Institute of Public Goods and Policies (IPP) is one of the institutes in the area of social sciences at CSIC. The mission of the institute is to advance knowledge about the relationships between the society, the market and the state. It counts with around 20 permanent active researchers, plus PhDs, postdocs, researchers working on specific research projects and support staff. The objective of the Institute is the comparative analysis and understanding of the nature of a singular type of goods, public and collective goods, as well as the processes of definition and implementation of public policies and their mutual interactions. A major goal of the Institute is to produce knowledge that can be used and evaluated by the scientific community, as well as relevant for social actors, institutions and governments. It integrates three main research domains: I) Systems and Policies for Research and Innovation, II) Environmental Economics, and III) Politics and Public Policies. GRANteD is managed by the Systems and Policies for research and Innovation (SPRI) research group.
Senior Research Scientist
Laura Cruz-Castro is Senior Research Scientist at the CSIC Institute of Public Goods and Policies (IPP) of the CSIC in Madrid, Spain, where she currently is the Head of the Department of Science and Innovation. Her research focuses on comparative studies on S&T policies, with especial attention to the role of human resources, the functioning of research and academic labour markets, research careers, and the relationship between higher education and research policy. Her current research interests focus on the role of funding and evaluation of research on scientific careers from a gender perspective.
ORCID Researcher:
Research Professor
Luis Sanz-Menéndez is Research Professor at the CSIC Institute of Public Goods and Policies (IPP) of the National Research Council (CSIC) in Madrid, Spain, where he was Director of the Institute between 2004 and 2015. He also has served, between 2007 and 2015, as elected Chair of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy (CSTP). His research interests include institutional and organisational aspects of the research systems, public research organisations and universities and policies. He has conducted comparative analysis in Europe and some Latin-American countries and he has been involved in several international S&T policy advisory activities.
ORCID Researcher:
German Centre for Higher Education Resarch and Science Studies (DZHW)
The German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) conducts empirically driven research with practical application in the fields of higher education and science studies. The Institute’s research results, data, and analyses support higher education institutions and educational administration in shaping the profile of higher education in Germany and Europe.
Located in Berlin, the Research area “Research System and Science Dynamics” concentrates on the analysis of the research system in a national and international context with a special regard to the interdependency of the different governance, performance, financing, and funding policies. It examines the research system with different– qualitative as well as quantitative – methodological approaches. As a part of the Competence Centre for Bibliometrics, founded in 2008 by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, it conducts various bibliometric analyses.
Senior Researcher
Torger Möller studied Sociology, Computer Science and Economics at the Universities of Marburg and Hamburg. He was a member of the Institute of Science and Technology Studies at the University of Bielefeld where he received his doctorate in sociology. Then he worked at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science and Humanities, at Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, and at the Freie Universität Berlin. Torger Möller has been a member of the DZHW (previously iFQ) since April 2011.
Möller, T., Schmidt, M., & Hornbostel, S. (2016). Assessing the effects of the German Excellence Initiative with bibliometric methods. Scientometrics 109(3), S. 2217-2239.
Mayer, Sabrina J., & Justus M. K. Rathmann. “How Does Research Productivity Relate to Gender? Analyzing Gender Differences for Multiple Publication Dimensions.” Scientometrics 117, no. 3 (December 2018): 1663–93.
Cañibano, C., Woolley, R., Iversen, E. J., Hinze, S., Hornbostel, S., & Tesch, J. (2018). A conceptual framework for studying science research careers. The Journal of Technology Transfer. (2018).
Teresa Mom Consultancy
Teresa Mom Consultancy (TMC) is a Dutch SME, and was until recently mainly active in advising and consulting organizations in the knowledge and cultural domain (such as universities and museums), as well as its leaders. Currently, TMC focuses on science policy research, and on research on big data for social research. Next to research, TMC is active in science policy consulting and in coaching of (science) professionals. The lead researcher for the GRANteD project at TMC will be Peter van den Besselaar, who is also full professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Research director
Peter van den Besselaar is currently full professor of organization sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. His research focuses on the organization, governance and dynamics of science and on research evaluation. One of his main research topics in the recent past has been the functioning of peer review and the prevalence of (gender) bias in science. Earlier he was head of the science system assessment department of the Rathenau Institute / Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (2005-2010), director of the Netherlands Social Science Data Archive (2002-2005), professor of communication sciences (2004-2010), and associate professor of social informatics (1996-2002), the latter two both at the University of Amsterdam. He is member of several international scientific advisory boards, and is engaged in science policy consultancy. He published over 250 articles, chapters and (policy) reports.
Ulf Sandström
Researcher in Statistic, Research productivity and efficiency
School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.