February 24th 2020, 09:30-17:30
Sensengasse 1, Haus der Forschung, 1090 Vienna
Granted Conference Program Flyer
9:30 Arrival
10:00 Opening address: Klement Tockner, president FWF
Welcome: Wolfgang Polt, JOANNEUM RESEARCH
10:15 Introduction: »The GRANteD Project: How gender bias in research funding is analysed«, Helene Schiffbänker, JOANNEUM RESEARCH, Coordinator
»Studying gender bias in grant allocations: the ERC case«
Peter van den Besselaar, TMC
11:00 Coffee Break
11:15 Keynote 1: » Experimental approach: Using lottery in allocating funding «
Ulrike Bischler, VW Foundation
12:00 Elevator Pitches: Alternative approaches for allocating grants (FWF, NWO)
12:10 World Cafe 1: Selection process – peer review
13:30 Lunch Break
14:30 Keynote 2: » Academics as superheroes: How the exceptionally masculine occupational stereotype in academia affects women (and men) «
Ruth van Veelen, Utrecht University
15:20 Coffee Break
15:45 Elevator Pitches: Existing tools for addressing gender bias
(FFG, Vienna Business Agency, Utrecht University)
16:00 World Cafe 2: Gender bias in peer review processes
17:15 Wrap up & Outlook
17:30 Networking – Snacks & Refreshments