In the GRANteD (Grant Allocation Disparities from a Gender Perspective) project we study the occurrence and causes of (potential) gender bias in the allocation of research grants. We also study the consequences of gender bias in grant allocation for gender bias in the development of careers in research and innovation.
Our approach is distinct, because we (i) do not take every gender gap or different success rate as bias, but develop a model that includes variables such as past performance of the applicant and quality of the proposal that may influence the grant allocation. Then (ii) after controlling for the relevant variables we test whether gender has an effect on the grant allocation outcomes, that is gender bias. After in this way having determined where gender bias occurs in grant allocation, we (iii) identify the causes of gender bias, which may be in the procedures, in the criteria deployed, in the evaluation processes, or in composition of the panels, and result in e.g. gender stereotyping or in gendered application of criteria.
Finally we analyze (iv) the effects of (biased) grant allocation on careers, but also vice versa, as career level of applicants may recursively influence grant allocation. In order to generate results that can be generalized, the analysis covers a heterogeneous set of funding organizations and funding instruments. For several cases data are already available, for others new data will be collected. A series of methods will be used, from interviews and observations to qualitative text analysis, quantitative multi-level analysis and event history analysis. By maintaining intensive and productive interactions with stakeholders, the project will be targeted on real life problems around grant allocation and careers, and will maximize the impact of the findings